Vietnam is home to a prospering technology community and numerous enterprises that range from small start-ups to development giants. Virtually all public services are offered online. In fact, the country even has a system for e-residency and “data embassies.” This achievement derives in part from the nation’s transparent and enduring political preferences, but more importantly from Vietnamese law and its regulatory system regarding information, the digital general public, and intellectual property rights (IPR) protection. In this examination of the most pertinent aspects of Vietnam’s digital economy legislation, this study explores the nation’s regulatory structure regarding copyright and patents within the context of digital transformation. The study discusses the relationship between foreign and national regulations in terms of IPR protection and the advancement of digitalization. Research on Vietnamese regulations and the practical application of major patent and copyright regulations has revealed that in many respects, the nation is highly reliant on the effective operation of a broader foreign institutional and legal framework. Thus, in the near future, technological advancement will necessitate the establishment of additional transnational regulatory systems
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Kho tri thức
Bài báo quốc tế
Vietnam’s Regulation on Intellectual Property Rights Protection: The Context of Digital Transformation (Legal tech)
Vietnam’s Regulation on Intellectual Property Rights Protection: The Context of Digital Transformation (Legal tech)
Nguyễn Ngọc Anh Đào, Nguyễn Văn Phước, Bùi Kim Hiếu
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Từ khoá:
Digital transformation, Copyright, Patents, Intellectual property rights
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