The problem of parameterization is to find all stabilizing controllers for the controlled system. At present, there are many methods to choose from for the controlled plants with the minimum-phase. However, most of the existing procedure do not introduce minimum-phase controller into the system. In this sense,Zhang et al. have a new view that a parameterization method for all minimum-phase controllers for minimum-phase biproper systems is given. This paper expands the research results of Zhang et al. for the minimum-phase strictly proper controlled systems and the parameterization of all minimum-phase stabilizing controllers is given. The internal stability and control performance of the closed-loop system are studied. At the same time, an algorithm which can be used to construct minimum-phase stability control is presented. Finally, an example is given to explain the characteristics of the algorithm proposed in this paper. Because this method can find all the minimum-phase stabilizing controllers well, it can be applied to many control problems
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Bài báo quốc tế
The Parameterization of All Stabilizing Minimum-Phase Controllers for Minimum-Phase Strictly Proper Plant
The Parameterization of All Stabilizing Minimum-Phase Controllers for Minimum-Phase Strictly Proper Plant
Dayu Zhang, Kotaro Hashikura, Md Abdus Samad Kamal, Kou Yamada, Mai Thị Nghĩa
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Từ khoá:
Minimum-Phase System, Minimum-Phase Controllers, Strictly Proper Plants, Closed-Loop Characteristics
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